Friday, May 8, 2009


By far the most exciting part of visualizing this film was seeing our artist (Saida Temofonte, yes I'm plugging you) illustrate it for the first time. Here is one of my favorite storyboards she did for a scene in the film. The scene number, camera direction, and other basic notes are also off to the side...just click on the drawng if you want to see it enlarged.

As I said in the previous blog, we are using these storyboards as is for the graphic novel we are putting together now. When the page layout for the comic gets farther along, I'll preview that in a future blog too.
- Justin


  1. Awesome man, looks great! What's the pre-production schedule looking like for this project?

  2. Hey DJ, thanks man. We look to be shoting by July 15th. You gonna be in town possibly?

  3. I just saw your message on fb! it's soo great you're doing a blog! I'm hoping you'll be posting some of my more "refined" boards here I'm glad you liked this one, but that's one of the super rushed ones!!!

  4. You bet Saida, you're gonna like what we do with the graphic novel too.

  5. Nice work, Saida! Justin the blog looks great!

  6. This work was refined into color very nicely, I must say. Looks like shooting will be moved down by 10 days
